Self-Care Series: 40-Day Challenge (Day 1)

Reading and Sharing Life with a Furry Friend

Two of my passions are reading and spending time with my dog, Watson. Reading takes me to other places and when you think about it, you can go wherever you want to just by picking a subject to read. Sometimes it gets hard to make time to read, but for me I must make it a priority. So I schedule a time each day to read something that takes me away. We can debate later as to whether it is better to read eBooks, paperback books, or hardback books, but for now a self-care must for me is reading.

Watson and all the furry friends I have had the pleasure to share my life with give me joy beyond words. There is a lot of research out there about the value of having a pet (or 5 😊). You will see him often on P2AB. By the way, Watson is 12 today; he is blind, but I don’t think he knows it. He is a very special creature!

2 Replies to “Self-Care Series: 40-Day Challenge (Day 1)”

  1. I will join you in your self care journey because it is much needed for me. Reading is good for me also. I think I will join you in reading to my 10 year old dachsund named Mia. She sits in my lap as I read and study lol she doesn’t know that she isn’t human. I love animals. They are such peace to me. A self care technique I learned long ago is the spend time being a child. Adulting is stressful so I blow bubbles, color, go barefoot and I let my little girl be allowed to play whatever she wishes. Sometimes it’s just being silly or doing nothing at all or taking a long bath. Freedom to be me is my goal.

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